
About Us

Eurofruti Company is a famous Company in Kosova and beyond.It has more than 30 years work experience in collection, processing and storing the mushrooms, frozen fruits and their export. The Eurofruti Company participates in the Kosova largest companies. We collect about 1500 Tons of different mountainous fruits: Blueberry, Blackberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, Cherry, Plums etc ; and about 100 Tons of Mushrooms. What makes Eurofruti special is it’s close relationship with it’s farmers and the Ministry of Agriculture and the farmers associations. Eurofruti’s agronomers are always near their farmers, helping them on every step, for a better and qualitative productivity. This year our company in cooperation with SWISS Caritas and USAID are doing a very good job with their farmers, by developing the integrated productivity also called AIP, and certification with GLOBAL GAAP.

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